Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 2 - Building Big Moe

I woke up with only a wee headache this morning - victory is mine!  Um, well...  wee victory is mine!

I can still hear my heartbeat whooshing in my left ear, but I think that may just be age and ear inflammation.

I don't feel too bad this morning, really.  Last night was unpleasant, but it is amazing how much the body is like a spoiled child..  It screams and stomps and pouts when it doesn't get what it wants, but in the end it will respond to discipline and adapt.

7:30 - Pineapple, Kale, Carrot, Cucumber.

11:00 - Pineapple, Kale, Carrot, Cucumber.

1:30 - Green tea.

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like me.  Thanks, Amy B.

3:00 - Pineapple, Kale, Carrot, Cucumber

4:20 - Hungry.  Grr.  More juice.  Pineapple, Kale, Carrot, Cucumber.

5:00 - Vinyasa.  Oh boy.  The teacher destroyed me.  Flows were advanced and fast.  I am wrecked but feel great.  Drank a coconut water.

Impossible not to feel your best after yoga.  Dare anyone to try.

Feel tired, little headache (could just be from less cals), ears sore but happy.

7:00 - Wandered down to Gaslamp and around downtown.  Drank a coconut water.

Found an amazing local 'Whole Foods' type market called Jimbo's.  Drank a Carrot Beet Kale juice and had a shot of wheatgrass.  Picked up produce and some 'travel juices' for the weekend.

Long walk home with a heavy bag.. burned out..  Got home at 9:00..

Great walk though.  Reminds me there's another reason I <3 San Diego.

Don't even mind the buzzing headache tonight.

Momentum 101 - even when the bar isn't moving much, your effort is building something.

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