Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 1 - Dive Right In


Flippin' Ugh!!

I screwed up last night drinking some scotch, a late junk snack from the magic vending box downstairs (Cheez-its - probably because they remind me of my girls), and some sugar in the form of a frozen York.  Jeesh, what a mental weakling.  Was a bit down both physically and emotionally, so like any addict I turned to my 'medication' - the wrong kind.

Today I decided that the best course is jumping straight into juicing in an attempt to take some of the margin for error out of the fast.  There are so many tempting (even healthy) food choices here in San Diego that if I don't set a hard rule I think I may have an excuse to stray every night while I'm still eating solid food. Also, since I'm not feeling so hot anyway I might as well get on with it.

Preparing for the tough next few days ahead..

Hmm..  That awkward moment where you realize "this is really going to suck" and at the same time you recognize "ack!  I'm choosing to do this to myself!"

Oh, I had fungus back in my right ear today (!!), which explains the extra itching.  I scratched both issues to the point of 'weeping' last night.  Urge to itch can be so strong, almost like poison ivy, although I've never actually had poison ivy, so my only real reference is how bad Uma Thurman was as Poison Ivy in her Batman movie.  Trying to focus on forging on and fighting and not getting bummed about fungus appearing.  Ignore and adapt is a successful, time-tested strategy for getting through crap temporarily.

I also woke up with a medium-grade headache - again.  Not sure if it is related to the fungus, allergies, ear or sinus inflammation, a reaction to toxic food, or something else.

Trying to stay positive..  Treating ear with vinegar / alcohol again.

8:15 - Coffee

8:30 - Carrot, kale, lemon, apple, pear.

11:00 - Carrot, kale, lemon, apple, pear.

11:15 - Still have the headache.  Took some ibuprofen.

12:45 - Green tea.

2:00 - Carrot, kale, lemon, apple, pear.

4:00 - Carrot, kale, lemon, apple, pear.

Ugh, I'm really wanting to tear open this bag of peanuts in my backpack..  Maybe eat the plastic wrapper too?  A big downside of being downtown is that there are tasty food smells everywhere!  I guess they'll strengthen those weenie little willpower muscles I have..

5:00 - Vinyasa Yoga at a studio nearby.  Wore me out.  Still have the headache, and I'm not sure if it is from not eating much today or just the general headache I've been accustomed to.

Glad I went to yoga - almost chickened out.  Feel pretty good, even with a headache.

9:00-12:00 - Feel crappy.  Headache I am used to, but body feeling that 'lost a pound or three because you didn't eat' discomfort.

Eventually I'm certain I'll fall asleep and dream about fish tacos.

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