Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 6 - La Dee Frickin' Da

Today is as boring as yogurt flavored jello.

"We've got ourselves a writer here.  Who is that, Bill Shakespeare??" - Matt Foley

Today is as boring as watching wheat grass grow.

7:30 - Kale, Apple, Pear, Ginger, Lemon + Hemp protein

Waking up I feel ok, itchy eyes and ears and a minor headache.  Seems to be par for the course.  I wonder if the headache has as much to do with losing weight as anything else.  Perhaps I need to try to drink more calories, especially with the 'green' juices are they are extremely low.

I've also added probiotics morning / night.

10:45 - Cogo Carrot Leafy Greens

1:45 - Evolution Essential Greens

Busy work day..

4:30 - Coconut Water

5:30 Cogo Vegan Protein

More fruit than anything in that one, but I wanted some extra calories and protein today.

Ears very itchy.  Left ear inflammed presumably from me scratching it.

Have been using Derma E Psorzema Creme today.  Helps a little.

Long boring day.

Kept thinking of Grimaldi's pizza with artichokes and mushrooms.

All I can say today is I made it.

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