Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 7 - Don't Get Cocky, Kid

What I can remember of this morning's dream had my brother paying an airline pilot $100 to let my nephew learn to fly the 747 passenger jet we were already in the air and flying on.  I don't know where we were going but my nephew sure was pretty excited.  He's got a high midichlorian count, after all.

7:30 - CoGo Protein

Ears are itching pretty badly.  I scratched my left too much and it got painful pretty deep.  I hope it doesn't get infected.  The Pzorzema Creme doesn't seem to do much, but I have only used for a day. Vinegar seems to help the itch after the initial burn goes away.  Eyes are dry and itchy, as per usual.  Sinuses are better here.  I stopped Nasonex steroid spray, but I can tell it was helping keep my nasal passages open so I may start again.

I'm considering heading home on Sunday.  That will make the veg / fruit juice fast 10 days, heading home on 11, where I can continue or transition to solid fruits and vegetables for a few days.  I haven't decided.

I'm frustrated in that I am not seeing the improvement I had hoped, although I may need to either make adjustments or extend the fast.  Will keep plugging away - I'm learning a lot about my body and my health regardless.

10:30 Coconut Water

Took the day off today.  Went and hit some golf balls.  I feel pretty good - some tasty breakfast smells at the golf course, but if I stay busy it isn't too hard.  I'm in a zone now, I think.  It feels like I can keep this going whether I stay in SD or go back to the dirty desert.

11:30 - CoGo Carrot Leafy Greens

1:45 - Carrot Leafy Greens

Wandered Balboa Park and went to the Museum of Man, which was awesome.  I was tired but what an awesome place to space out for a couple hours.

6:00 - Kale, Carrot, Beet, Green Apple, Red Pepper, Lemon.

Finally broke out the juicer for dinner.  Delicious.

I miss eating for sure - never hunger in the tummy, but in the mind..  I want to eat, not out of hunger, but pleasure and habit..  I can't get Grimaldi's artichoke and mushroom pizza out of my head.  :)

8:00 - Kale, Carrot, Beet, Green Apple, Red Pepper, Lemon

Bed early.

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