Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 4 - Charles Barkley Bribes My Daughter

Very happy to make it through the night.  Woke up a dozen times, but feel like I got some rest.

Still have a pretty bad headache.

8:30 - Evolution Sweet Greens.

Evolution is everything Naked juice should be, but isn't - it isn't pasteurized / heated, it is only cold-pressed.  It also offers some juices with only vegetable juice, not stuffed with apple or fruit puree to bulk, sweeten, and lower the vegetable count.

Living on it while I am hotel hopping.

8:45 - Coconut Water

I'm not somebody that usually remembers dreams.  Two days in a row now I've woken up in the AM remembering what I was dreaming.  Yesterday, it was sausages..  Today, it was Charles Barkley.

I was juice fasting with a bad headache, just like I went to bed, and my daughter was with me.  It was her birthday yesterday and I was bummed I missed it.  Anyway, my bro Randy brought Charles Barkley and Aston Kuchar over and started playing carport hoops right outside my window.  I couldn't sleep so I asked them to stop.  They all came in and tried to get me to play, but I said I was feeling lousy and I didn't want to leave my daughter.  So Barkley throws what he says is $1000 to bribe Brookie to let me play on her birthday, but I just see a pile with a bunch of $1's on top before I woke up.

10:30 - Evolution Protein

I wandered out of the Sheikh Palace that is the Grand Master Hyatt Funk or whatever it is called (it looks more like a Vegas casino) kind of bothered by the decadence of it, and the hordes of snobby people inhabiting it.  "Judgement, not curiosity," I tell myself truthfully.  I just never feel comfortable and high end, ritzy places.  Never have, and I don't think I ever will.

I wandered to Seaport Village tired and again bothered.  So much commercialization.  Humility is easy to find on this cleanse, I constantly find myself realizing.  Regardless of its effects, the luxury of perspective is priceless.  There were too many nice smells, especially coming from the seafood joint and a Greek joint hidden in all the burger and bloat restaurants.  I quickly left Seaport Village.  "Nothing to see here.  Move along."

I walked to the USS Midway and was more intrigued by all the hobos / street folk flippantly lying around in patches of grass.  "Curiosity, not judgement," I tell myself truthfully.

12:00 - Evolution Sweet Greens

I am pretty tired, so I decide to walk to Gaslamp to see a movie while I wait for check-in at the new (old) hotel.  I got to see The Fifth Estate, the movie about Wikileaks.  I really liked the first half, but then it kind of fizzled.  Benedict Cumberbatch is always mesmerizing, though.

Hyatt charged me $26 'discounted' parking rate since I was a guest.  A whopping $2 off.  Now I hate the Hyatt Palace of Gomorrah even more.

3:30 - I'm back at the Worldmark reading and unpacking for a week.  I want to go home, but I know I have to press on.  Headache is not as bad today.  Have I survived the worst?

4:30 - Kombucha 1/2

5:30 - Gazpacho!

Barebones 'fruit and veggie' gazpacho -

4-5 hothouse tomatoes
1/2-1 cucumber
1/2 onion
1 red bell pepper
1 small poblano pepper
2 cloves garlic
couple pinches of sea salt
juice of 1/2 lemon

Throw it in the vitamix, then poured it over cubed avocado and ate it with a spoon to trick my brain with an 'eating' sensation.  Parsley would have been great, but I forgot to buy it..

It tasted amazeballs.  I know I'm getting more sensitive to taste because the onion was too strong after the first helping - next time I'll go 1/3 or 1/4.  But two small bowls and a whole avocado I am stuffed and satisfied.  Even with no olive oil, marconas, or bread to make it richer.  Ahhhhhhhhmmmmm.  I feel like Garfield after a tub of lasagna.

Eczema feeling a little better today.  My left ear didn't get as jacked up as the right did a few days ago.

I think day 5 is going to = #turnthecorner

8:00 PM - body feels a little upset, nauseated, almost a burn in my belly.  Maybe it is the kombucha, maybe I ate too much gazpacho juice (!), or maybe it is my first 'reaction' to a specific food.  Tomato?

Maybe I will try tomato again to test.

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